Off Centre

By RachelCarter

One Hundred! Party On The Beach!

Woohoo! Hooray! Celebrate! and such like...

Oh look - a balloon? For me?
No really, you shouldn't have...

I went out of my way to get this photo today.

A special trip to Saunton beach.
The clouds were doing clever things, the visibility was brilliant, and coming over the hills I looked across at Hartland, and marvelled at the beauty of the North Devon coastline. I had it in my head that somehow there would be someone or something on the beach to provide me with an extra splash of colour to compliment the vast sands and big sky. It really is an enormous beach.

Unfortunately by the time I was actually on the beach, the sky had gone grey and rain was beginning to fall. Not even much in the way of atmospheric cloud gaps.

I had jokingly said to Richard earlier, that it would be great if someone was kite-surfing, or flying a kite. Or maybe a hot air balloon could go over at just the right time, especially for my hundredth blip.

So I must admit, when we arrived and the beach was grey and deserted, I was a bit deflated. Not quite as badly as this poor old balloon though, which I was pleased to find really. It was either photograph that or the broken black umbrella - which I did get a few shots of but hardly very celebratory, is it?

So there you have it. Number 100: the end of an era. I am now no longer in the 1-99 entries category.
I'm with the big boys now.

I am celebrating in a way. I have learnt to think about my photos since starting blipfoto 100 days ago. Each day of my first week my photos got progressively less awful.

Practice makes perfect?
No. Practice makes better.

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