Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Poorly Pink

I waited in for the washing machine man all morning. He came and fixed the washing machine....AGAIN! Just in the nick of time. I went out this evening to help the PTA ladies with some present making for the secret room. But an hour into the crafting, Mr Pink called and told me that Miss Pink had been sick on her bed and on the sofa. So I packed up and came home, by which time she had been sick twice more. Washing all over the kitchen floor, a tired Mr Pink and a Miss Pink with new pjs on and a pale face. Mr Pink went up to bed so he was refreshed for work, and I set up camp on the sofa. Miss Pink wasn't sick anymore, but was a bit unsure if it was day or night, so we had a play picnic on the floor in the lounge. She fed her teddies, and me with plastic food. She finally gave in at 12.30pm, and snuggled up for a cuddle, but being scared that I would wake her by moving we stayed snuggled up for another half hour before I decided it was probably safe to go to bed properly.

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