It's just a phase

By HelenMcCann

New shoes

Finlay, aka poorly boy, has finally got his first pair of shoes.

Today we visited the orthotist, a title I'd never heard until a month ago. 2 weeks ago he measured finlay's feet and today, hey presto, a pair of £270 shoes which will last a matter of months! Thankfully we don't have to fund these expensive items of footwear.

The orthotist works from a specialist NHS mobility rehabilitation centre. You really do see some sights there. Artificial limbs being wheeled around on sack trolleys, people of all ages and shapes with missing limbs. And an extra surprise was seeing Mandy Sellars, the young lady with Proteus Syndrome. Many will know her as the woman with the gigantic legs. I was a bit too star struck to say anything but hope I managed to convey a look of admiration in my smile!!!

Let's hope poorly boy enjoys his new bespoke footwear and wears them out before growing out of them!

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