brady bunch

By kyliec

My Baby

My little boy is four months old today. I can't believe how fast the time has gone and how big he is. I want to keep him a baby for longer since he is my hoo. I won't miss, however, the lack of sleep I am having, especially this last week. I feel like my eyes are going to pop out of my head! I think that's why babies are made so cute, you have to forgive them as soon as they give you that gummy smile.

I have felt quite sad this week, a couple in Brisbane have been charged with murder and torture of their twin 18 month old babies. They were found dead in their bedroom (they had been there a week) and they died of starvation, they were around 6kgs. Brady is 6kgs and he is 14 months younger. So, so sad. Stories like that make my blood boil. I suppose all you can do about it is just love your children.

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