Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Belated Birthday

Tiggy's official birthday is the 24th November, which is based on an estimate of her age when we got her. However, this year we were too busy to do anything on the 24th, owing to a trip to Devon, so she had her birthday on the 27th instead!

So, what DO you get an eleven-year-old tabby cat for her birthday? Well, this particular one is partial to corned beef, so a tin of the stuff was very much appreciated! Here is the birthday girl enjoying her feast, along with her feline friends! Pink bowls for the boys, and blue for the girls!!!

I spent the morning dealing not with feline needs, but with rodent ones - all three cages completely stripped out and everything cleaned. It took quite a lot of work to do all of them a complete clean in one go, but four very happy rodents returned to their homes in a very good mood with me!

Other than that, I had a fight with my printer, which was printing gibberish, and a fight with iTunes, which thinks it knows better than me what order I like my music played in - of COURSE I like to hear the second movement of a Beethoven piano concerto sandwiched between a Prokofiev symphony and a Kasabian song - NOT!!!!!! Grrr!

Then it was early night time - busy week ahead!

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