
Lo and behold I was witness to a powerful, but unlooked for omen this evening. A sundog smiling down on me!

Little known, and unrecognized by most people sun dogs are like "phantom suns" or mock suns. They are atmospheric phenomena also called parhelia that create bright spots of light in the sky, often with a luminous halo on either side of the sun. Physically speaking they are created from hexagonal ice crystals associated with cloud formations like cirrus that refract the light into a prism. This one I witnessed near sunset on the beach is only the second time I have probably ever seen a sun dog.

They have been described by Aristotle in ancient Greece, appeared in medieval European paintings, and popped up in pop-culture songs and movies. In ancient Rome Cicero quotes On the Republic:

Be it so, said Tubero; and since you invite me to discussion, and present the opportunity, let us first examine, before any one else arrives, what can be the nature of the parhelion, or double sun, which was mentioned in the senate. Those that affirm they witnessed this prodigy are neither few nor unworthy of credit, so that there is more reason for investigation than incredulity

Always sun dogs are unusual and throughout history have been looked upon as powerful omens, and mysterious phenomena. For me it is no different. I take it as a blessing and fortuitous omen. A sign of good luck. Hoping for wonderful things on the horizon with my fingers crossed and a smile on my lips :)

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