Coffee Spoons

By MissMarj

Perturbed Gingerbread Pig

It got to yesterday evening and I had one of those "Oh blimey! I haven't taken a blip yet!" moments. I wracked my brains trying to think of something to photograph that wasn't one of my emergency blip subjects and realised that the significant thing that had happened that day was the acquisition of chocolate covered gingerbread.

This is s seasonal treat that appears in Lidl at Christmas time. Last year I bought a moderate amount thinking I could go back for more once it ran out. However, it seems to be one of those items that when it's gone, it's gone so this year I got a bit more.

The down side of this is I now have a whole load of chocolate covered gingerbread that I have to try and restrain myself from scoffing very quickly. While trying to make an interesting photo I realised that this configuration looks a bit like a piggy, which was apt seeing as that's what I am with this stuff!

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