The Memory Keeper

By athousandwords

Part 3 - Dog eats Box

But not just any box! My new phone arrived today :D

Didn't really need a new one, but it was free and my old phone was ever so slightly broken. Didn't affect the performance but having to unlock it with an earring each time I received a text was getting pretty frustrating!

Must dash, Luka wants a walk... And I did promise him one after he posed so beautifully for this otherwise mediocre picture. He'd be an awesome gundog, no tooth marks to be seen on today's item of choice!

Hatehatehate walking in the dark, nearly passed out after seeing someone following me the other night... You wouldn't believe me if I told you it was just my shadow :| Probably one of the only reasons I'm looking forward to the snow this year, it gives us the magical ability to see in the dark!

Eeeeek! ALMOST forgot to mention that my brand new cousin arrived earlier this morning! Her name is Isabella Rose and has possibly the coolest parents ever... Massive congrats to a super proud Dan and Maya xxx

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