
By EgyptUnveiled

Day by day

'Taxi' This man shouts as I walk along the corniche. He lives in the village and owns a white Peugeot Estate, the old style, complete with windows that don't open and doors to match! Once you are in the car, you can't get out! (Only if someone opens the door for you)

His face tells a story; it's not just the harsh Egyptian sun on his face, day in, day out, year in, year out, that has taken it's toll.
The uncertainty of when his next customer will come and if he will earn enough money today to provide food for his family. It is a lot for any man here to carry, there is so much pressure to contribute to the household, it is their duty.

In these uncertain times, many live day by day, simply wanting the basic necessities, that we all take for granted.

'Insha'Allah' (God Willing) we all hope that things will be better in the future.

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