Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee

I won't mention this one's name either

****day's seem to be very unkind to me, to put it mildly, these days :-(
And this one was no different.
Wasn't so cold today as the wind died down a little, and there was a lovely clear sky as I waited for the Hogwarts Express back into town, the moon was gorgeous and you could clearly see Earthshine.
Earthshine is when you can clearly make out the whole disk of the moon and not just the sun lit part.
Rushed back to the Nesssaintee Appartment as fast as my leggies would take me :-p
But all to no avail, the moon had clouded over, could see Jupiter and the Pleiades, Perseus and Cassiopeia very clearly, but it was not to last, it is pouring with sleety rain now.
Did manage to catch Jupiter and three of it's little pals, from left to right, Io, Ganymede and Callisto.
Where's Europa, you may ask?
Europa had just come out of transit of Jupiter when I took this pic and was too close to Jupiter for my camera to resolve it

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