
By CharChar


Well after yesterdays blip not been published I have a lot of catching up to do!!

Basically yesterday I booked some more things for our America trip this included a Chevy, which Jon is driving we will call him snoop dog and me Gem and Joey are his California girls!!

Also last night I got very xcited watching Desperate Scouse wives and think the scouse brow is the future... I kno me and Gem will be trending this very soon!! The rollers in the hair is also very cool, tho u wouldnt go in church with them in would u Gem?

Today has been very eventuful, I only worked half a day and met up with Lady Botfield we went for lunch in Bella Italia and then shopping and German Market. I managed to get some xmas presents so a succesful day all round!!

Tonight I have finally got rid of my vile roots and had my hair coloured I feel like a new person!!!

more 2mz xx

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