Return to the North

By Viking

Group Challenge

Our year 9 and 10 students have been doing a series of challenges ver the last three weeks as part of their health class (team building work, before you ask what it's got to do with health!) One challenge was to build the tower of Pisa with spaghetti and marshmallows, last weeks was to build a sleigh for the antarctic out of boxes and tape and this weeks was to make each other an outfit out of newspaper and duct tape!

These are the stunning results ! The kids had a great time, as did the teacher. I got to be the judge and photographer :-)

I would like to thank the students for their participation but mainly to the teacher AvH who has given up some of her non contact time to teach these sessions in the absence of the normal teacher.

Apologies for state of montage - couldn't decide which shot and have never done a montage before so P*** Poor am afraid - but you get the idea!

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