Got wind
It was breezy tonight. Well, more than breezy really. So I decided to try and capture the wind.
A couple of ND filters helped. What would have helped more would have been realising the ISO on my camera was set to auto. Doh! That was four stops I missed with it defaulting to ISO1600. Instead of 1/8 second shutter speed I could have had it set to 2 seconds. The branches would have been a blur!
Rookie mistake.
On the plus side, blip is a good time to make mistakes though, eh? Better to do it and learn during a random blip than when you're doing something serious like photographing people or whatever.
I won't make that mistake again.
Ok, you're right. I will.
- 0
- 0
- Sony SLT-A55V
- 1/8
- f/25.0
- 26mm
- 1600
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