
By Shin

Please have a Peonie

I'm always amazed as to how big thise flowers can be. They are certainly one of my favorite flowers.

There are some gaps in my journal. I might fill them in later, perhaps not. When I started blip, I had to intention to take a daily photograph, that's why I put in the word daily in my journal name. That I didn't manage from quite quickly, but starting the new year I managed to take one or many more pictures a day. With my daughter's talk on Thursday, she took all my camera's with her, and I think that caused me to forget to take a picture. So at least one day I won't be able to fill.

Lately I've been extremely busy with a lot of things. I thank everybody who left a comment. I'll try to get back into the swing of leaving a daily blip, but I've turned commenting off. I'm really thrilled when people subscribe to my journal. Even though I haven't subscribed, I'm keeping an eye on my favorite blips through RSS feeds, which also has the advantage to easily see backblips. And I still might leave an occasional comment.

Not really a goodbye, but a different kind of bliplife for me. Everybody take care.

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