Trial and Error

By DawnC


I was listening to Chris Evans this morning and he was talking to the CEO of English Heritage about the possibility of illuminating Stonehenge at night (no!) and was persuaded that it would defeat the object. Just now I was rooting around in one of my desk drawers and came across my 'Build Your Own Stonehenge' kit that my brother gave me a few years ago and before I knew it I had built it. When I started thinking about strategically positioned Lego men I knew it was time to stop though...

The boys are home today due to the strike so we've all had a relaxing start to the day (although I did nip out at first light to check the back of my car, having reversed into a wooden post last night; fortunately no harm done!).

One year ago today we had snow. We're unlikely to get any this winter, however, because I bought a snow shovel the other day.

Oh, and happy St Andrew's Day to all Scottish Blippers :)

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