Ripe Raspberries in November

After finishing some chores this afternoon I took my camera out to the cabin to reunite it with the tripod and the prospect of some feeding birds to look at. All went well, except the birds weren't interested in feeding.

After a while, Bomble arrived from following his slumbers in the sun, which had been shining on him on his dining room chair all morning. He was manic, rushing in short bursts up the Rhus tree, where the bird feeders are currently hanging then chirruping behind my back before leaping at and up the garden fence so he could climb onto the cabin roof.

So I took the camera out into the sun and immediately saw these rich red raspberries hiding behind their leaves. The cane had been propped up against a branch of the wisteria tree facing south, obviously very happy in this position. I moved the cane to show the berries, which is why the underside of the leaves feature a bit too prominently. I couldn't resist them as my subject, nor eating the two ripest berries as soon as I had finished.

I also noticed quite a few tomato flowers in the Growmate, which is our wonderful greenhouse, next to some courgette flowers which have somehow managed to keep growing. I don't think they will ripen sadly.

I have changed the picture having had second thoughts.

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