All Around me are (curt smith version)

On Sunday while Tooli was out playing volley; her dad and I stood at the door to her room and wondered where the floor had gone.

We decided that we would give it a quick clean. Not a tidy mind, the last time I tidied her room while she was gone for a couple of days, it was a week before she spoke to me again and that was even allowing for the fact that I hadn't actually thrown stuff out! I held on to the bin bags so she could rake!

I picked up all the obvious rubbish - crumpled paper, biscuit wrapper, empty make up, empty cream; threw the dirty laundry to the hall. Folded up what I thought was clean and left on a newly made bed.

Then I set about the books and paper and jotters. It dawned on me that while sitting on the floor trying to sort jotters to jotters, paper to paper and books to books, that there actually was a semblance of order.

A quarter of the floor was given over to advanced biology, a quarter to advanced math. A quarter to advanced chemistry, and a quarter to advanced mechanics. The pile which stretched from her desk to the chair was forensics.

I merely tidied the piles up, sat them along the edge of the room and we were able to vacuum without killing another Hoover.

On her return she said 'oh my'. Checked our handiwork and got stuck back in about it.

It's Wednesday now, and the floor has disappeared again!

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