Dan's Labyrinth

By SpectrumOfDisarray

A Birthday to Remember

There is no way I'm forgetting that night. Started off brilliantly with plenty of alcohol, presenting a brilliant cake, and a room full of friends. It went a bit down hill when we got to the club. I had payed for the cab fare so didn't have enough money when I got past the bouncers. So popped out to an ATM, but on my way back in I lost my student ID and so the pricks wouldn't let me back in, despite knowing I was in just a minute ago. Stood out in the cold for at least half an hour before the others came out. it was another hour before I got into the warmth of the flat, but was frozen solid and shivering by that time. I looked as if I had crawled out of hell and then a frozen waste land in a tshirt.

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