walking in the city

By inthecity

Dinah* & Louis

Time to fess up, I've had two kitties living with me for a few weeks. They're about 6 months old, mostly feral, and unbearably cute. My brother-in-law rescued them from under a dumpster behind his mechanic shop--there's a whole colony living in the scrubby brush back there.

They really are wild still; it's taking all my patience waiting for them to approach me. For now it's about watching them live their kittyness, and being reminded that everything looks like a toy.

* short for All Night Dinah, a roller derby name. Insert conversation some time about how my sister used to go to the roller derby tournaments with her husband and still get hit on by all the chicks. She claims it's a hair thing; I say it's 'cuz she's downright adorable.

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