Ring of Tyres

By Tyres


Some of my shallots are bolting. I suspect due to the lack of rain in May, but honestly I don't really know, any suggestions?

I'm not sure whether you should leave them if they bolt or not. Do they become inedible if you do? Does it help if you pull of the flowering shoots?

Anyway, as I'd ran out of onions to cook dinner with I thought I'd pull the clump that looked the most developed. About the size of large spring onions they tasted fantastic, I even had some of the leaves in between some bread and butter... food of the gods!

The rest made it into a bean and spinach casserole, yum.

We've had some major rainfall this week, that and the drop in temperature along with strong winds have knocked everything about a bit and there's a fair bit of wind burn in the garden.

Spent a couple of hours putting on another layer of manure/compost/grass clipping/soil mix onto the tatties in the bags and tyre stacks. The ones we covered up too much have pretty much been murdered but some are hanging in there. The ones which weren't covered totally are doing fine. A lesson learned there I think.

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