Squiffy by the Sea

By squiffy

Guess the title

A little over a year ago a friend called Ann kept badgering to know more about, as she called it "This blip thingie of yours". When I showed her how it worked I didn't know I was creating a blip phenomenon.

Her Profile Molly the gorgeous Collie is now rarely seen off the spotlight page and has hundreds of daily followers.

Well that was 365 days ago so Ann came up to my house at Trink Farm and we went for a celebratory walk up to the top of the hill. It was a bit slimy on the cow tracks but Molly staked clean enough to have her anniversary blip.

I took loads of pictures but didn't find one I liked until I noticed these 3 make a film title. Can you guess what it is :-)

nb it needs to be views large to get the expression on Ann's face.

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