A confused genius

By Lez11


At last a proper conversation at work, respecting referees in football. I could never become a referee because of the abuse you take. When i was at uni i used to finish early on one of the days so i used to help out the manager of my old junior school train the kids and help out match days. On 2 seperate occasions i refereed the kids matches and the abuse I got from the parents was horrendous and I was only about 19 at the time. The moms were worse than the dads and I have never been abused by so many women In my life. Actually I can't remember the last time I was abused by a woman, (if you know what i mean), maybe next night out with the lads I will dress as a referee.

When I got into work today my mate asked if I got a copy of the free magazine they give out at brum new st station. I said no as I avoid the guy who gives out the free magazine as all he tends to do is Wack people with mag as u step out of the station doors like he is swotting flies. One of these days I'm going to roll my paper up and when I step out the station doors I'm going to give him an absolute smack round the lug hole with my paper. That will teach him. Anyway back to the story. My mate said there was an artical in the mag on morzine and avoriaz (picture). This got me excited as I'm going to morzine in feb with my mates snowboarding. I absolutely love snowboarding as it is the best holiday ever, snow, sunshine (Suprisingly), the cold, log fires, meeting great new people and I can't forget the après ski. I'm looking forward to both my snowboarding holiday and writing my diary (blip) on my exploits whist I'm there.

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