Red Squirrel


Waiting ....

This poor Clematis has been waiting to be planted since late spring! I noticed this morning that there was a bloom opening.
Today was my 'no parking' day at work, I had a mad rush to get out early this morning to catch the free shuttle bus from Harford Park & Ride, and forgot my camera - not a bad thing actually as today's one of my 2 annual 'bad days' (the first time I've actually felt like going to work rather than take leave, which is a good sign!). So I took the opportunity lunchtime of going for my usual walk, and visited my 'Ent pals' in Bracondale Wood, to just sit in contemplation.
On returning home I decided that maybe the Clematis would be a nice thing to blip - so here it is. I WILL get it planted ... but may just leave it until next spring and let it sit in a shelted, warmer place until winter finally waves us goodbye.

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