Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones

Good Day

I've had a glucose sensor on for the last week. It monitors my blood glucose continuously, and I then use the data to spot trends and then adjust my insulin doses accordingly. The results this time were not as good as I would have liked them to be - not as spot on as they were during my first pregnancy. The graph above shows a particularly good day - I think I will stick it on my mirror for motivation. The bottom line represents blood glucose of 3.5, the top line 7.5. From the graph above you can hardly tell I am diabetic! I took a photo of a bad day graph too, but I'm choosing not to archive that one forever on the blipesphere. This shot reminds me that I CAN DO IT! Having said that, I was a little disappointed. I have been trying my absolute hardest to keep things stable, I feel that there is not much more I could do. It was easier when pregnant with Boo, as I didn't have to worry so much about my sugar dropping too low. I didn't care - I kept my sugars just above hypo throughout my entire pregnancy. I am finding that I just can't do that this time, with a hyperactive toddler to chase around and care for. I need to be safe! I've had a few scary hypos while looking after him, and it ain't nice. During the last one a couple of weeks ago, I was literally shaking all over, dizzy, incapable of stringing a sentence together and losing the ability to move my legs - meanwhile, Boo was smearing the poo that he had just done all over the carpet and the sofa, and then he succesfully climbed over the stair gate. Diabetes really is a juggling act, but I press on and keep trying to perfect the control. It's worth it for the healthy wee bebe in a few months time! Then, I can take a deep breath and relax the rules a little. Ahhhh.

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