What did I see today...?

By DaveR


10,652 words on the final day of NaNo is quite a nice way to win. Admittedly not as impressive as last year (when a fellow NaNoer informs me I wrote 16k, I can't really remember...)

Strictly speaking it's a win only in the numeric sense, my characters haven't actually made it back out of Hell yet, I think there's probably another 20k to go until the end. And that's probably just Part I as well, I managed to forget to write anything about the two people they're actually meant to be rescuing! Part II will have to consist of what happpens to them in the time it took for the rescuers to arrive.

I keep saying "rescuers" which is annoying me as well, I haven't decided if it's going to work yet. Apparently my subconscious has though...

In any case - another year, another NaNo - I'm knackered and going to sleep for a day!

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