The Advisable Doctor

By noonz


Today I woke early in the AM to go with my mother and father to the Apple store. My father was looking to get a Macbookpro for his new found interest in amateur film making. We arrived at the store and, of course, were buffeted by the beauteous array of shining computers. My parents were overwhelmed by the sight of the dazzling machines for they did not take up an entire room and spat out punch cards of data. They clung to me like lost children as I guided them up to the genius bar. My father was left to play and listen to a helpful salesmen and I was left to roam the store. During my trackless wanderings my mother came behind me and whispered in my ear, you know your computer is rather old, my brother gave it to me when you were about ten. Perhaps we could convince your father to get an upgrade? Elated with the idea of an upgrade for my computer I skipped over to my father who was enthralled with a speaking nerd. He spun around when I tapped his shoulder and said, we are getting this macbookpro and there is nothing you can do to stop me! This was my chance. Father, that is a fabulous laptop you have there, it's a shame we don't have a desktop version of that. Ears picking up the slights bit of computer dialogue my trusty nerd chimed in, but we do! They're right over there! And they are a fine piece of machinery sir. They would be a perfect compliment to your new laptop!

And that is the story of how I got my new iMac. I nearly peed my pants! It isn't the best shot but it is an important shot to me because it's of something I love dearly (awe nerd love) and that, boys and girls, is todays wonderful story :) enjoy!

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