I could (again) get to like this spending-more-than-the-bare-minimum-walk-to-get-some-air/food at lunchtime thing. So far this week I've managed two almost-before-eight clocks-in (one of which would have been before eight had I not tried a stupid experimental route-variant today) and have gained some time each day (to make up for last week with its puke-latened starts and parent-earlified ends) whilst still taking time to wander about properly rather than just going round one of the nearby blocks. This lunchtime's exciting journey resulted in the purchase of a replacement nappy bucket to replace that broken at the weekend in a pepper-grinder-related accident. This evening's exciting happenings included the ante-penultimate step in getting newoldbike ready as a snow-capable winter commuting spare (rack now in place and temporary rear wheel straightened a bit more) and weekend-parent-cycle-jaunt-enabler so that they can trundle round looking at potential areas to look for houses in at ground level without having to piss about with a car.
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