Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11 Bed

It's funny how things are never exactly what you expect.

In case you were wondering, this is a fortune cookie. I had no idea they were circular!!! :O

What a great concept. A little desert-like cookie that holds a little gem of wisdom inside. While some leave something to be desired, you are talented in many ways, others are true pearls happiness isn't something you remember, it's something you experience.

Granted you shouldn't throw all of your faith into your fortune, some are just ancient proverbs that really mean nothing more than the expression "six of one, half a dozen of another." I like the idea of surprise though. I am always the first one to choose my fortune cookie. As if someone else may take the one that I like best. It may not be the biggest help in guiding my life, but at least it is a little perspective that I admittedly forget about sometimes.

But a circle? I mean if I had really taken the time to think about a fortune cookie's shape, I'm sure I could have figured it out, but it's always the little things in life that you give little thought to that surprise you like a fortune that says "you desire recognition and you will find it".

I know you may be expecting some intense wisdom here, some huge revelation that I discovered from the most mundane object of life, but not today. I have a great appreciation for the "Fortune Cookie". It may not make a huge impact in anyone's overall life, but for the split second you read it, you think to yourself, "how does this apply to me and how can I be the person it's describing?" Not many pieces of paper can make any of us think that. Hell, authors spend their entire careers trying to get people to think this about their works and let's face it, those works are no where near as simple as a fortune.

And yet, that is one thing in life we are guaranteed to read. Once you open it, you read it. Those are the rules. Imagine if one day people started stuffing those circles with public awareness messages. How do you think people would think of the issues that face them everyday that they don't take the time to notice? Maybe that's how we should re-vamp the news media. Put little headlines in fortune cookies. See if we can get the public educated again instead of in their own little bubble.

"I'm stuck in a coma, stuck in a never ending sleep. Some day I will wake up and realize I made everything up."

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