
By rubyjones

In the end.

At the end of the film Shawshank Redemption, the Morgan Freeman
character Red arrives at a beautiful beach to find his friend, Andy (Tim Robbins).
It is a wonderful and sentimental last scene.

The film originally ended earlier where Morgan Freeman skips parole
and gets on a bus saying ....."I hope to see my friend, and shake his hand.
I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope."
A much more open ending, one where you, as the viewer weren't sure of the outcome.

When they showed this to a test audience, they hated this ending, and
the producers made the director Frank Darabont shoot the much happier
(but slightly disjointed) ending.

I think we want to taste and feel happiness, it's not good enough when it's implied.

And we are willing to suspend disbelief if it means happiness
one day might be ours.

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