Qu'est-ce que je fais ?

By waitingforgodot

Summer Circle Theatre

I have been holed up in my apartment for I'm not sure how long. I've been editing (most re-editing, actually) photos in the hopes of raising some revenue with them. I wish I'd been as informed about digital photography when I first took it up a few years ago. I also wish I'd have edited from the start with the notion that I could earn a few bucks from my photographs. I would have done things differently.


In order to get some air and to take a photograph or two, I went out for a bike ride while the last of the day's good light was dying. I did manage to come across a local outdoor theatre production (which I'd forgotten about), so stopped to take a few photos. Unfortunately, I arrived at intermission, and this was the last production for the weekend. Perhaps I'll go next weekend when they start a new play.


The Girls in 509
by Howard Teichmann
Directed by Sam O'Neill

Aunt Hettie, a wacky, wealthy Republican, has been holed up for 26 years in a once fashionable hotel in New York City with her young niece. They have been there since 1932 when Herbert Hoover lost the election to "That Man", also known as FDR, and they have vowed to remain secluded until a Republican is elected. But the old hotel is being demolished and the women must be removed.

The press and the National Chairmen of the Republican and Democratic parties descend upon the ladies, members of one of the country's oldest and richest families. The ladies defy both politicians and face eviction and disgrace. They retain their independence when wealth pours down upon them and they move in triumph to the Waldorf Astoria.

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