Think & Shoot & Think

By micmoment

Rainy (birth)day

It's my day. The day I'm officially legal.

The day started lazy. Allowed myself to skip class.
Would want to stay home all day if only I had no school.

Shall quote my favourite lecturer ever again: Loud people are the loneliest.

And, loneliness was what I felt today. To the maximum.
Even when surrounded by so many people, the lonely feeling lingers.


Anw, this blip is dedicated to a friend who smokes. Yes, you, Nurul.
She tried quitting the weed several times, but it didnt work out. Nurul, you know you can do it :) no matter how many times you have to try, still dont give up on yourself. You'll probably think you've said "this will be my last cig" for so many times that no one would believe you anymore... But no, I have my faith in you, Nurul :) do it slowly, you'll make it one day! M:SG peeps are all behind you!

On a sunnier note, I made a new friend today!
Making new friends is like discovering new species. Exciting.

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