Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Shop Till You Drop

Well that is certainly what I did today with Sarah and Susi. My back is killing from carrying bags.....but not in a bad way!!

We did Blip Land proud with our shopping today.....we all came away with LOTSSSSSSS of bags. I have to say Emma Bridgewater's new shop was lovely. I bought Mr G a Christmas present but it is that nice I am thinking ofkeeping it for myself letting him have it tomorrow!

Also purchased........
New Uggs for me
New Cath Kidston over night bag for Family Gossage
More presents for Si - cant say what as he reads this
Present for bro - cant say what as he may read this
Gorgeous party dress for Sarah - spangle tastic! She has amazing legs!
New jacket for Sarah
Both Sarah and Susi left with Emma Bridgewater bags too
A present for Susi's mum - Cant say what in case she reads this!

I tell you what, we did good! We did so good we had to stop for wine and food!

A fab day - a great 301st Blip Day!

Thanks Girls!

Off to walk the dogs now and will catch up with you all later

PS - Happy 300th Blip Susi x x x x

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