Scenes from my desk

By alaistairsdesk

Bags 'O Colour

Last evening of my 2 week Middle East tour, and back to the "Market" of the "Genuine Fakes" (these are not just any old rip-offs you know!).

One of my team who is moving out perm to Dubai had his wife over for flat hunting. So in total, there were 5 handbags, 2 Purses, 1 Watch and a new Mont Blanc pen for me (for signing big contracts).

How any woman can spend £1000-£5000 on a REAL one is beyond me (now if that was being spent on a guitar, that's another matter)

This is the shot when we get "through the secret door" to the good stuff upstairs. I'm sure its all part of the show.

Early flight on Friday, so a quick hop to the new Dubai Hard Rock Cafe for dinner. Then off to the pub.

I only stayed for a couple (anyway - that's what they want "the boss" to do. Buy a couple of rounds then get lost.)

Then some of them do an "all nighter". I went to bed to get up at 5 for the flight. They stay in the pub till 3 or 4 am, then sit in McDonalds for breakfast and then go back to the hotel to pick up their stuff.

I must be too old/sensible for that.....

Looking forward to the weekend.

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