Backstage birthday

John's birthday is tomorrow but the celebrations began today with three of his friends coming with us to see the Lyceum's christmas show Beauty and the Beast. I'd bought all the boys cool hats which they wore with pride and were complimented on by everyone. When one of the theatre staff said they looked like One direction (they decided later that they should be called Wrong Direction) but asked where their fifth member was Lachlan replied with "he got killed". During the show when the wicked witch was being booed one of our lot shouted "YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW YOUR 5 TIMES TABLE" and "YOU'RE MADE OF POO"!! Well they do encourage the audience participation.

We then were kindly allowed backstage where the boys (and a shy Chloe) met the actors who all greeted the boys warmly and wished john a happy birthday. Then they were shown around backstage and the curtain was raised for them.

Oh and we've (Me, Kevin, Marion and grant) have put up art work and photographs in the Howard bar in the Lyceum. A good starting point for getting back into 'doing art'.

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