The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Over the sea from Skye.

A bit of a grey day, but went for a walk along to the ferry. One of the last turntable ferries in Europe, still plowing the fast currents, between Syke and Kylerhea. The strong currents change up to forty times on each trip and it is not unknown for the ferry to be swept down into the bay and have to wait for several hours, with cars on board, till the tide changes and the race reverses and they can make it back to the jetty to offload.

Last day here for a month or so, therefore we made the most of it. Sunday lunch with Y and C and the parents and the mob of hillwalkers, then homeward to the land of Blip.

Have back blipped for the weekend. Hope you all had as good a weekend as we did, but I bet you don't have as many Midge bites. (They love me).

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