First time in a week that i have really stepped out side of the house. Foot a little sore but finally I can put some pressure on it. Hopefully I will not suffer tonight it is still swollen but I managed to get a trainer on.
The trip consisted of a trip to Sainsburys, which after a walk around I was in a little discomfort. Then we headed to PC World to pick myself up a Wifi mouse. This little thing works great no problems using it on my leather settee and I can stand 9 meters away if I like!
Did n't see the Rugby but I have taped it,well done on Shane Williams on scoring in the last minute, I think he will be waking up with a sore head in the morning!!
I am currently watch Northern Hemisphere vrs Southern Hemisphere Charity Match for Help for Hero's. A friend of mine went to the dinner for this on Wednesday night and he said it was amazing with all the old rugby stars there. His words were you would of loved it, I thought well why didn't you invite me lol.
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