just things

By faeriesigh


Not much of a blip today I'm afraid. It's been somewhat of a trying day - trying to get one McFly ticket for Asha. The band are playing at the UEA and Asha, who has been a fan since 5 Colours In Her Hair, was desperate to go and see them. So, seeing as the last 12 months have been so crappy for her, I decided to get her a ticket.

What a parlava! The box office is closed on the weekend, the tickets went on sale today & were only available to buy online this weekend. It took well over 3 hours, 2 computers in this house, friends & family on both sides of the Atlantic trying to help and reduced me to tears of sheer frustration and disappointment on her behalf. Perseverance paid off though as we finally got her one. I tell you, the look on her face when I told her was priceless! Definitely worth every second that it took.

Anyway, this blip has no relevance to this what so ever, it's a photo of the lights on a tree at the bottom of our road. I haven't edited it at all (other than cropping the for sale sign out) & I was playing with the aperture again.

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