to my bones

By mavo

Family quality time!!

I so loved this morning <3 I didn't have alarm clock on so I woke up late, realized I don't have any school work, slept a bit more, made breakfast and came back to bed to eat it and watch The Joulukalenteri. So the breakfast lasted till 1.30pm and then I headed to center alone to do some shopping and Christmas shopping also. I don't like shopping that much but sometimes it's nice to just wander around alone and check if there might be something nice. So I spend two hours in Penneys :D and found so many Christmas presents and other stuff! And got some fooood also, that's always good ^^ haha, now my friends here know how to say "I'm always hungry" in finnish, "olen aina nälkäinen" :D I think my mission is to teach the most important things for them (and that was actually my friend who started that) so I need to do what I need to do. But isn't it one of the most important sentences that you need to know in finnish?

anyways, in the evening it was time for some family quality time!! we decided to make some burgers together with baby and daddy and I wanted to bake an apple pie. So the original plan was this: when I finish baking, we start cooking. But as everyone knows me, not the fastest person, how we actually did at the end was that when we finished cooking I started baking :D and after one failure I made it! I managed to make an apple pie that really tastes like an apple pie. Everyone were so full after eating the burgers that I wasn't sure if they liked the pie or not cause no one ate it that much, but when I woke up the next morning I noticed that there was only teeny tiny piece left of the pie so I guess it wasn't that bad :D

I've never been as full as yesterday.. we all ate THREE BURGERS :DD cause they were so good! we played one round beer pong after that eating and I felt like I'm going to explode, it hurt so much.. but that's a thing that one shouldn't complain so I shut my mouth now. anways, I will remember that in the future. Good evening <3

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