One a day......or so

By unitedite

A Sombre Day

It has been a strange old week. My blips have become more sporadic in recent weeks, lacking the ideas and inspiration. Then last Sunday the football world woke to some shocking news. The apparent suicide of Gary Speed touched people the World over, with even those without a passing interest asking Why?

I am always cynical about public out-pourings of grief, yet at times this week I have felt close to tears thinking about Gary and his poor wife and sons. I am not naturally an emotional person either.

Today I went to watch my team, who Gary played for, coached and managed, as they played Torquay in the FA Cup, but also remembered Gary.

It was all very well done, from the fans' tributes in the car park to the pictures of Gary on the lamposts. From the pre-match video (soundtracked by Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here) to the eulogy and minutes applause. To the spontaneous chant and standing ovation with a few minutes left in the match. We won, but it was kind of incidental.

I have felt so flat all week. A few other things going on that also affected me, but there were also some highlights dotted amongst the grey. I might back blip some from the family camera later.

For now I am having a relaxing evening in front of the tv.

RIP Gary Speed (briefly a Blade, always a star)

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