A mistaken identity

after managing to mistake my bra for a scarf the other day it was suggested that it should be the subject of my next blip. However, my original, exceedingly funny (in my opinion, right) and slightly kinky idea proved to be impossible to execute (if I write "excuse the pun" you might see what I'd been aiming for) and would've probably broken the prude-code of Blipping.
But anyway, eager to please as I am, I present to you a delightful juxtaposition of lace and knitwear. Guess which one isn't the scarf?*

I also spared a few thoughts on how many people actually handle and oogle our underwear before we buy it and make it "private" - think about it....the whole production process, packing, transporting, hanging on shelves, other shoppers looking and even trying on before we buy it and bring it home...and decide that other people shouldn't see it?! How mad is that?

*don't waste too much time trying, the answer is neither - one is a skirt and the other a bra. And I don't wear knitted bras.

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