Simply Me

By Suze981

Twinkletree and reflection

I awoke this morning to masses of Facebook messages about the snow. I drew back my curtain expectantly (yes I'm aware of how sad it is that I checked Facebook before I looked out of the window) and there was no snow. I can't tell you how disappointed I was.

I decided to go on a snow mission. Alas the most adventurous I got was as far as tescos. That's where I ran into this little guy. I have named him twinkletree (if you look closely you can see he has gold glitter on him).

I love that he fits on the palm of my hand and I love that his reflection looks more majestic than he does.

My christmas decorations are in storage at my folks house this year so twinkletree will be my festive cheer. His rather larger relative will be in situ at my parent's house when I go there on the 23rd. (They live in a converted church and usually get a 7 footer).

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