Voyage of a Beagle & Lab

By Inez

Canal Overflow

Woke to snow this morning but just a light covering, breaking us in gently! By lunch it had all but gone leaving wet muddy paths. Have decided that I need to invest in a walking pole or further obedience classes for Coco! Recurring theme lately has been her pulling me down hills - can't walk anywhere round about here without encountering one - this morning it was an snowy, icy pavement I was being pulled down. I knew yoga would come in handy one day - all that standing on one leg in the tree has obviously improved my balance and by a small miracle I stayed on my feet.
After lunch I took Coco for a walk along the canal, the water level was quite high from the melted snow and the water was filthy, took a few pictures but decided on this one - not my usual thing but I quite liked it.

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