
By htd

Scottish Parliament

It is estimated that around 625 young people die each year of Sudden Cardiac Death in the Young. This compares to around 312 for all forms of meningitis.
I was privileged to be invited to attend a launch today at the Scottish Parliament where John Swinney along with Alison Cox (from CRY) brought various organisations together (FANS, Stuart Hillis' screening group from Glasgow and many parents & families of those closely affected by these conditions).
This was an immensly moving and humbling experience as well as a challenge in terms of how this can be better highlighted to medical colleagues and best screened for in the general population.
All the individuals in the this photo have lost someone very dear to them at an extremely premature age. They seek to bring the whole subject more into the public eye to try and prevent this happening to other families and to help them through it when it does happen.
If you are interested in knowing more I suggest you lookup Scottish Friends of CRY on Facebook.

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