
By Chiara

Inspiring, riveting, powerful

Six Feet Under is the most powerful T.V. show I've ever watched. I went through the entire series in 2005, and by the time I finished the last season, I felt so attached to each and every character. It's a beautiful show that addresses life, death, human desires and fears, and everything in between.

Earlier this evening, I was flipping through the channels on T.V. and saw that Six Feet Under was on. Five minutes into the episode, all my strong feelings for the show came flooding back. I realized that, regardless of the fact that I had seen each and every episode twice, I missed the Fisher family. Each character is so enchanting yet so tragically flawed.

The reason I feel so attached to this show is because everyone is so three-dimensional and so human. Pretty much every show I've seen has vapid two-dimensional characters with the occasional character whose conscience we are allowed to explore, but Six Feet Under pushes us into the minds and souls of Ruth, Nate, David, Claire, Keith, and Brenda, compelling us to understand them on a deep level and compelling us to forgive their flaws.

As a screenwriter, I would love to someday create & write something as great as Six Feet Under.

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