
By JBLongmore

Deal With What You Got

I had a really good day in Bangkok yesterday. Well until 6pm. I had got in from Siem Reap (across the awful border at Poi Pet) the previous night, and decided to take a 24 hour break before heading north to Chiang Mai.

It was a good day - lots of beer, lots of cigarettes, lots of new friends.

When I arrived at the coach meeting point I raided my backpack for sleeping tablets (they really help on the long journeys)...but they had gone! I was gutted...but then I noticed by debit card was missing from my wallet also...just as my bus arrived. Double gutted, but what can you do -

Cancel card, grab some road beers, and try get some sleep.

I took this pic the following day, in Chiang Mai. I took it easy again and had a few beers in the heat with an Aussie bloke...didn't explore much today so here is an orchid (I think), growing outside the house.

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