Sami's Snaps

By SamiColenutt

Home-made brownie.

We're amazing at making it. Like, seriously good now.

Today I spent a fair bit of time in uni and got scared about the fact I've said I'll take the shorthand exam a week on Thursday. Poopers. This was then followed by one of the most awkward lectures of my life. Sometimes our course is a little disorganised to say the least.

I had a nice evening though. Mum came after a day of doing her beauty course in Bournemouth and took me for dinner at Wagamama's. The Katsu curry is damn good and I really love peach iced tea.

After this I came home and actually did a couple of hours of good work - slightly out of the ordinary. Diet Coke and brownies helped me through reading about Peace Journalism v. War Journalism.

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