Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Two in a bed......Part Two

This was Two in a bed Part 1 with Rona and Isla

This is a rarity to see Casper and Stanley in bed together so it proved a great Blip opportunity as I wasn't sure what else to Blip today. The bed is actually Casper's and Stanley NEVER goes in it - although when he does Casp doesn't mind.

Stanley has a mad fixation with balls and toys being thrown for him - and he just stares constantly at whatever it is until it has been thrown. We now have to hide all his toys for periods of time other wise we think he may burst or his tail will wag so much that he will fly round the room !!!

The dark nights are making me VERY sleepy........I want to go to bed now (is that normal? Or just sheer laziness?) Have had to pack my bags as I am going to London tomorrow morning until Friday evening. We have our works Christmas party.....Friday could see me nursing a hangover :)

Another hour of work then I am off to walk the dogs and hopefully wake myself up a bit!! Fajitas and nachos for dinner....yummy :)

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