Custard, cream or ice cream....

Early spinning session this morning, home to find Roy doing some tiling in the bathroom. He decided that the plastic surround around the bathroom window looked 'tatty' so off it came and we now have a nice surround of white tiles, it does look much better.

Ferreting in the cupboard I found a jar of cherries, (in date), so I decided to make a pie for after tea tonight, the decision now is, cream, custard or ice cream, Roy can decide.

It was a 'red day' today, so no shops open, only bars and restaurants, so after making the pie, we had some lunch, then a bit of sunbathing on the back patio, when the sun went behind the houses we came in and watched some tv. It felt very strange to be doing not a lot, we are normally rushing around like headless chickens.

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