Just Rising

About 2 hours after I did. Why when you are on leave and have no need to wake up at the sparrows fart do you find yourself wide awake at 6:18 in the morning. Its just wrong. I need to take a mallet to bed and knock myself back out again tomorrow morning.

Had an interesting conversation in the Post Office this morning,having waited 15 mins while the pensioner in front posted over 50 cards to locations far and wide, then found she was short on the 23.50 needed to cover it, then the post office thingy refused to give her cash and then she had to go get some from the cash machine. Have these people never heard of the internet....

Anyway, when my time came I posted off the parcel to Poppy's internet boyfriend (its his birthday on Friday) and then asked for a book of stamps. The young man enquired if I wanted normal or Christmas stamps. I said, go on give me the Christmas one. He remarked that they were quite popular and stocks were running low. To which I replied, I guess its seasonal.... It seemed to pass him by :)

Today blinds have been washed, dogs walked, Christmas list made, carrot cake baked glossing over its failed exit from the baking tin, quiche made and blip taken. I am knackered!

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