Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176

Look Everybody

Elizabeth, Rebecca and I had our first full day on our own today. And it was pretty successful!

We went to music class in the morning. Rebecca didn't want to miss out this time, so she sat on my knee, where she promptly fell asleep. Meanwhile, Elizabeth was following the class more closely than ever. She's hardly wandering off at all anymore and when she did, it was because another boy went first and she was following him.

Naps seemed unlikely, so I ended up taking them out for a drive. I managed to get both children asleep and stay asleep when I brought them into the house. I quickly cleaned the kitchen and managed to get 20 minutes sleep myself before Elizabeth woke herself up coughing.

Then we went to the breastfeeding cafe. They have biscuits on the table, which annoys me a little. Elizabeth had FOUR! That's more than she's probably had in her life before today! But she had eaten well at lunchtime and had lots of fruit, so it's not going to kill her.

I went away from the breastfeeding cafe feeling pretty content. The other mums there were all first time mums, struggling and worrying about everything. Plus their babies don't seem to sleep well at night and take an age to feed. It really makes me appreciate my little girl. She only wakes me 2 or 3 times in the night and only takes 5-10 minutes to feed. I have had some nights where she's taken ages to settle back to sleep, but on those ocassions, putting her into bed with us/me usually does the trick.

And again when I got Rebecca out of the car seat, Elizabeth said "look everybody." She really does love her sister.

Anyway, back at home, Rebecca managed to fall asleep at the perfect time; just when I needed to get the tea on.

So it was a good day overall. Long may it continue like this!

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